Open/Close Postion
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Click on "Long" or "Short" depending on which side you would like to open a leverage position on.
Long position
Earn a profit if the token's price goes up
Take a loss if the token's price goes down
Short position
Earn a profit if the token's price goes down
Take a loss if the token's price goes up
After selecting your side, you can use any index token available in the dropdown menu as collateral , you will be able to see how much your collateral is worth in USD. Once you input your collateral and choose your leverage level, the quantity of the underlying asset will be calculated automatically.
In the below example 1000 FSUI worth 625.58 USD is being used to buy a 20x BTC (Bitcoin) long position of size 12,266.27 USD.
The "Entry Price" is $29,350.81 and the estimated liquidation price is $27,8333.27.
The trading fee to open a position is 0.1% of the position size, similarly there is a 0.1% fee when closing the position.
There is also a 'Reserving Fee Rate' that is deducted at the start of every 8 hour. This is the fee paid to the ALP based on the the amount of reserve you choose. The resevering fee every hour will vary based on utilization, it is calculated as (assets borrowed) / (total assets in pool) * 0.01%.
While there are no price impacts for trades, there can be slippage due to price movements between when your trade transaction is submitted and when it is confirmed on the blockchain. Slippage is the difference between the expected price of the trade and the execution price, this can be customised by clicking on the "" icon next to your address at the top right of the page.
There is a funding fee that is deducted at the start of every 8 hour. It can be positive or negative to adjust . More details of Funding Rate
After opening a trade, you would be able to view it under your Positions list. You can also click on "Adjust" to deposit or withdraw collateral, which allows you to manage your leverage and liquidation price.
When you open a position or deposit collateral, a snapshot of the USD price of your collateral is taken, so e.g. if your collateral is 9,741 FSUI and the entry price of BTC is 29,343 at the time, then your size is 161,796 USD and will not change even if the price of BTC changes.
Leverage for a position is displayed as (position size + PnL- Fees) / (position collateral)
The setting of the minimum holding time is to prevent malicious arbitrage. The current minimum holding time is 15 seconds.
You can close a position partially or completely by clicking on the 'Close' button.
Profits are paid in the asset you paid as collateral , e.g. if you long BTC with FSUI as collateral , you will get your profits in FSUI.
Liquidation Price is calculated as the price at which the (collateral - losses - reserving fee) is less than 2% of your position's size. If the token's price crosses this point then the position will be automatically closed.
Due to the reserving fee and changes in your collateral prices, your liquidation price will change over time.
If you ask for a large value of reserve from ALP, the reserving fee will be much higher so it is important to monitor your liquidation price.
If there is any collateral remaining after deducting losses and fees, then the corresponding amount would be returned to your account.