How to buy/sell ALP
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Last updated
Switch to 'Pool' tab and you will see a ALP purchase window
To make it easier for newcomers to get ALP, we use the verbs "Buy" and "Sell". But in fact, this is not an ordinary trading action, the smart contract behind it is minting and burning ALPs respectively.
You can choose any of the index tokens to mint ALP token. For example, a user want to pay 100 USDT to buy ALP, below 2 actions will be generated
100 USDT will be locked in ABEx protocol pool
94.5527 ALP token has been minted according to the latest exchange rate between ALP and USDT
Same as above, selling ALP means users want to burn their ALP tokens to redeem their index assets.
Liquidity providers has full rights to choose to redeem their assets back at any time.